Binsky In-depth Fishing works year round but they shine brightest when the water is -50 F degrees. Blades are subtle and aggressive at the same time. Most northern anglers wouldn’t be caught dead on the water any time after September without a blade bait tied on one of their rods. If you have been on the fence about trying one out, don’t be! It is a technique that is incredibly deadly for a large portion of the year. If there’s one new technique you should be learning deeper water, it’s the Binsky blade bait.

- Allow the Binsky vibrating bait to fall on a semi taught line.
- If you want the Binsky to fall slower use a heavier line.
- Always watch your line.
- Most strikes will be subtle, where the lure will stop falling or the vibration of the Binsky will just disappear.
Binsky In-depth Fishing all year round works well for largemouth and smallmouth bass. They may not be a super popular bait for targeting largemouth bass, but you can definitely catch some nice smallmouth bass on these baits. Some anglers will wind these baits in with a steady retrieve. However, one of the best ways to fish the Binsky blade bait is to vertical jig it year round when big largemouth and smallmouth bass are suspended over schools of bait fish.
The fin of most blade baits has multiple line attachment points
The fin of most blade baits has multiple line attachment points that anglers choose based on their intended unique presentation. Using the rear-most line tie provides the most vibration and is ideal for vertical jigging, while the forward-most line tie creates less vibration for finesse and casting and retrieving.

For vertically-jigging blade baits, which is the most popular application, let the lure sink to the bottom, and then begin to impart action, not with big sweeps of the rod but with subtle flicks. Lift the rod just enough to feel the blade kick once or twice and allow it to sink again.
This appears to the fish as a dying baitfish or scuttling crawdad and is more likely to attract the interest of largemouth, smallmouth, walleye, lake trout, or any of the many varieties of freshwater gamefish.
Binsky In-depth Fishing year round is vertical
If you’re like most bass fishermen, you probably have a couple of blade baits you bought years ago, fished once or twice with little or no success, and tossed them in a forgotten corner of the basement. Now is the time to dust them off!
When largemouth bass move into deeper water, a blade bait can be very effective for vertical jigging. It’s not a super common way to target largemouth bass, but it works great when largemouth bass are feeding on bait fish in deeper water.
The trick to catching with Binsky In-depth Fishing in summertime is not to overwork them. An angler who is new to fishing The Binsky blades tends to fish them with big sweeps of the rod, causing the bait to jump 4 to 6 feet off the bottom. The most successful Binsky fishermen lift their rods just enough to feel the blade kick a couple of times. Making this adjustment will improve your Binsky blade bait success ten-fold.
The Binsky blade bait Perch color is a trigger to feed.
In lakes with alewives, use silver blades. Use gold or perch-colored blades for the rest.
Keeping regular contact with the bottom is crucial, so when targeting deep bass, you’ll need Binsky blade baits from 1/4 to 3/4 ounce. By far the best on the market is the Binsky blade bait.
How To Use A Binsky Blade Bait
A blade bait is a reaction lure. That is a critical element to keep in mind while throwing a blade. Fish are not eating the blade because they are hungry and they think the slab of metal looks appetizing. When fished properly – blades will trigger non active fish into striking regardless of their mood. There are a multitude of ways to work a blade – anywhere from vertical jigging to a steady retrieve like a lipless crankbait.
The most effective cold water retrieve that we have found is a yo-yo retrieve. The two most important details of the yo-yo retrieve is that between lifts – the bait rests on the bottom, and you should let it fall on semi-slack line . A mid-column yo-yo doesn’t seem to be as effective. From our experience, the vast majority of strikes on a blade bait occur while the bait is falling, or while it is resting on the bottom; you will go to lift – and there will be a fish on it.
When working the blade bait – mix up the speed, cadence and height of your lifts until you find what is triggering bites under the present conditions. Sometimes it’s small pops of the bait off the bottom – from just a few inches to a foot. And sometimes it’s big 4-5ft pulses of the bait. There is no right or wrong answer – this can change by the day, hour, minute – so experimentation is key.
The Binsky is the most effective cold water blade bait.
As the water temperatures continue to decrease, the length of your pause in between lifts should also increase. As temperatures approach the mid 30’s, it’s not uncommon to wait anywhere from 30 to even 90 seconds in between lifts before a fish will finally commit to the bait and strike.
Rigging Your Blade Bait
The majority of blade baits have at least two holes to mount a swivel to. Typically, mounting to the hole closest to the head of the bait will provide the tightest ‘wiggle’ to the bait. It will still vibrate, but not quite as hard or violently. The further back you mount to the blade bait, the wider or harder the blade will wobble/vibrate.
Which hole we choose to mount to depends on water temperatures. In warmer water temperatures, mounting closer to the front tends to produce more often. This gives the bait a tighter and more subtle vibration, allowing for faster movement. In much colder water temperatures, mounting to the back allows for a wide wobble. This is beneficial when your retrieve cadence slows way down as well. Lifting the bait very slowly off of the bottom only a few inches will still produce a solid vibration from the bait the further back it is mounted.